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Semantic Web: Machine-Readable, Structured Data With Meaningful Annotations By Leslie F Sikos

Expert Author Leslie F Sikos
Until recently, software agents could not handle many kinds of information that could have been associated with files. Although file structure and extensions provided some information about files, much information could not be expressed. For example, a file with a .jpg extension has always represented a JPEG image but provided no information about the shutter speed, exposure program, F-stop, aperture, ISO speed rating, or focal length until the introduction of metadata formats such as Exif and XMP. However, sharing metadata stored in binary files is still not the most efficient way to share metadata, especially if it is much more generic. In the digital era, electronic files are being sold (e-books, MP3 files, and so on) that might be retrieved or played on many types of devices. A variety of metadata technologies can be used to express arbitrary information and represent any kind of knowledge associated with electronic documents in a machine-readable format. Machine-readable data (automated data) is data stored in a machine-readable format, making it possible for automated software agents to access and process it without human intervention. To browsers, web documents consisted of human-readable data only. In fact, information was confused with the containers that contained them. In contrast to the conventional Web (the "Web of documents"), the Semantic Web is the "Web of data." The Semantic Web provides machine-processable data, making it possible for software agents to "understand" the meaning of information (in other words, semantics) presented by web documents. This feature can be used for a variety of services, such as museums, community sites, or podcasting.
Note that the word semantic is used on the Web in other contexts as well. For example, HTML5 supports semantic (in other words, meaningful) structuring elements, but this expression refers to the "meaning" of elements. In this context, the word semantic contrasts the "meaning" of elements, such as that of section (a thematic grouping), with the generic elements of older HTML versions, such as the "meaningless" div. The semantics of markup elements should not be confused with the semantics (in other words, machine-processability) of metadata annotations and web ontologies used on the Semantic Web. The latter can provide far more sophisticated data than the meaning of a markup element.
Conventional web documents can be extended with additional data that add meaning to them rather than structure alone. Semantic Web is a new approach that is going to change the world of the Web. Surprisingly, as early as 2001, Tim Berners-Lee described the reason for the existence of the Semantic Web. On the Semantic Web, data can be retrieved from seemingly unrelated fields automatically in order to combine them, find relations, and make discoveries. The Semantic Web should be considered an extension of the conventional Web.
Two terms are frequently associated with the Semantic Web, although neither of them has a clear definition: Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Web 2.0 is an umbrella term used for a collection of technologies that form the second generation of the Web, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML), Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), Really Simple Syndication (RSS), and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). They are the underlying technologies and standards behind instant messaging, Voice over IP, wikis, blogs, forums, and syndication. The next generation of web services is more and more frequently denoted as Web 3.0, which is an umbrella term usually referring to customization and semantic contents and more sophisticated web applications toward Artificial Intelligence (AI), including computer-generated contents.
The Semantic Web is a major aspect of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Web 3.0 can be considered a superset of the Semantic Web that features social connections and personalization. Several technologies contribute to the sharing of such information instead of web pages alone, and the number of Semantic Web applications is constantly increasing.
On the Semantic Web, there is a variety of structured data, usually expressed in, or based on, the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Similar to conventional conceptual modeling approaches, such as class diagrams and entity relationships, the RDF data model is based on statements that describe and feature resources, especially web resources, in the form of subject-predicate-object expressions. The subject corresponds to the resource. The predicate expresses a relationship between the subject and the object. Such expressions are called triples. For example, the statement "The sky is blue" can be expressed in an RDF triple as follows:
  • Subject: "The sky"
  • Predicate: "is"
  • Object: "blue"
RDF is an abstract model that has several serialization formats. Consequently, the syntax of the triple varies from format to format. Keep in mind that RDF is a concept, not a syntax.
The authors of the "conventional" Web usually publish unstructured data, because they do not know about the power of structured data, find RDF too complex, or do not know how to create and publish RDF in any of its serialization formats. The following are solutions to the problem that add structured data to conventional (X)HTML markup, which can be extracted by appropriate software and converted to RDF:
  • Microformats, which reuse markup attributes
  • Microdata, which extends HTML5 markup with structured metadata
  • RDFa (RDF in attributes), which expresses RDF in markup attributes that are not part of (X)HTML vocabularies
All data controlled by conventional web applications are kept by the applications themselves, making a significant share of data and their relationships virtually unavailable for automated processing. Semantic Web applications, on the other hand, can access this data through the general web architecture and transfer structured data between applications and web sites. Semantic web technologies can be widely applied in a variety of areas, such as web search, data integration, resource discovery and classification, cataloging, intelligent software agents, content rating, and intellectual property right descriptions. A much wider range of tasks can be performed on semantic web pages than on conventional ones; for example, relationships between data and even sentences can be automatically processed. Additionally, the efficiency is much higher. For example, a very promising approach provides direct mapping of relational data to RDF, making it possible to share data of relational databases on the Semantic Web. Since relational databases are extremely popular in computing, databases that have been stored on local hard drives up to now can be shared on the Semantic Web. Commercial RDF database software packages are already available on the market (5Store, AllegroGraph, BigData, Oracle, OWLIM, Talis Platform, Virtuoso, and so on). Semantic tools can also be used in a variety of other areas, including business process modeling or diagnostic applications.
Structured Data
Data should be structured to support advanced processability and searchability by data type. Structured data is data organized in a structure to become identifiable. Such data has been used for decades in computing, such as in the form of Access and SQL databases, where queries can be performed to retrieve information (for example, a ZIP code). In contrast to relational databases, most data on the Web is stored in (X)HTML documents that contain unstructured data. Conventional web documents contain large amounts of unstructured data that can be rendered in web browsers. This approach works satisfactorily for publishing purposes; however, a large amount of data stored in, or associated with, web documents cannot be processed this way. According to Berners-Lee, the data used to describe social connections between people is a good example for that kind of data:
"The Web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect-to help people work together-and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world. We clump into families, associations, and companies. We develop trust across the miles and distrust around the corner. What we believe, endorse, agree with, and depend on is representable and, increasingly, represented on the Web. We all have to ensure that the society we build with the Web is of the sort we intend."
Linked Open Data
Linked Data (also known as Linking Data) can be applied to improve the exploitation of the "Web of data." The expression refers to the publishing of structured data in a way that typed links are created between data from different sources to provide a higher level of usability. By using Linked Data, it is possible to find other, related data. Structured data should meet four requirements to be called Linked Data:
  • URIs should be assigned to all entities of the dataset.
  • HTTP URIs are required to ensure that all entities can be referenced and cited by users and user agents.
  • Entities should be described using standard formats such as RDF/XML.
  • Links should be created to other, related entity URIs.
All data that fulfill these requirements and are released for the public are called Linked Open Data (LOD). The variety of datasets published as Linked Data is represented by the LOD cloud diagram The image collects the datasets published according to the Linked Data principles and represents links between them. The size of the bubbles corresponds to the number of triples stored in each dataset. Contributors include the Linking Open Data community project, individuals, and organizations.
Different Approaches-Different Annotations And Syntaxes
Metadata is structured data describing information about features and content of web sites. The meta tags written in (X)HTML head sections, which do not require additional technologies, can be used to describe general data about web pages. Semantic, machine-readable labels can be provided as attribute values of (X)HTML or XML elements by microdata, microformats, or RDFa. There are several metadata technologies; many apply different annotations. For example, the description of a person can be expressed in RDFa, microdata, the vCard microformat, and further vocabularies such as FOAF or DOAC. Special metadata such as licensing can be provided with different notations. Licensing information of images and of the web pages containing them can be different. Providing license metadata can be beneficial to every web site, especially the ones that have different copyright than the user content, such as image-sharing portals like Flickr. Image licenses can be provided in basic markup, microdata, rel="license" microformat, and RDFa.
Several metadata technologies can be written in a variety of syntaxes. In the case of microformats, for example, there are differences between the markup languages they can be embedded into. In other cases, reducing complexity is desired (for example, RDF syntaxes).
There are many machine-readable metadata annotations, semantically meaningful attributes, vocabularies, schemes, and ontologies available, including but not limited to the following:
  • General metadata in the markup: Conventional meta tags
  • Microformats: Metadata provided as attribute values of markup elements
  • Microdata: A metadata annotation for general metadata embedding in HTML5
  • RDF: A standardized framework for Semantic Web data models
  • OWL: A knowledge representation language for describing and sharing web ontologies that formally represent knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts
  • FOAF and DOAC: Machine-readable ontologies for people and their professional capabilities
  • XMP, Rich Snippets, SearchMonkey RDFa: Metadata formats for images and video clips
After gaining popularity on large-scale industrial portals and especially online community portals, some features of the Semantic Web, together with personalization, is now ubiquitous. The variety of metadata annotations can significantly extend the possibilities of web documents. They can also considerably improve the effectiveness of web searches. A good example is HTML5 microdata and RDFa, both of which can be retrieved by Google as Rich Snippets. RDF would be one of the best choices to add structure to the Web and change conventional search engines that apply brute-force approaches.
Leslie Sikos, Ph.D. is a Web standardista specializing in website standardization, Responsive Web Design, Semantic Web technologies, Web accessibility, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and multimedia. He is a publishing expert with numerous academic papers and textbooks, including Web Standards, an Amazon.com bestseller. Dr. Sikos is a member of several standardization bodies, and actively contributes to the development of open standards. He is the manager of Sikos Web Consulting, a web design studio that offers fully standards-compliant, accessible, semantic, SEO-optimized, mobile-ready websites, and free HTML5 and CSS3 tutorials.

Financial Considerations When Planning a New Website By Rubel Zaman

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Expert Author Rubel Zaman
If you are about to launch a business on the internet then you have a lot of choices to make about the pages you will establish to showcase and sell your product. Small businesses generally have tight budgets they must adhere to so they have more financial considerations when planning a new website than larger companies have.
One of the main things that need to be part of the financial considerations when planning a new website is the server or host server you are going to use when you choose your domain name. The companies that provide these services to people have extremely varied prices. You have to carefully look at the companies that offer the services you need to determine which of them is going to give you the things you need for the very best price.
Before you can budget this part of the web pages you have to look at a few of the options that are open to you and see what the average price is for the service. You will have the option to get a dedicated server, or a clustered server. Of course the dedicated server costs more money, but it also provides more flexibility in the content of your pages and the design of them as well. The clustered server will offer less flexibility to you, but will offer you a lower price. You need to make sure that you have the option to increase your data storage as time progresses and make certain that should you decide to change companies you are not going to be hit with a large transfer fee. You will find details like this listed in the fine print of the terms of service contract that the company has.
Other considerations when planning a new website will have to do with the design style you choose, and what you choose to show on the pages. You have to keep the site as simple as possible if you want people to enjoy going to it. If your design is filled with hard to use features and numerous drops down menus you may lose customers to another company that has a similar product.
Remember that presentation of the product you have to sell is over eighty percent of the reason why people choose to buy something from one merchant instead of another. Take your time and design your pages in such a manner that they are attractive, informative, and easy to use. Choose things like shopping cart software carefully so that you do not get one that is complicated and confusing. You also want to make certain that the security on the site is the best you can provide.
The considerations when planning a new website seem to be daunting, but the people that take their time to research all of the different things they will need to do have more successful businesses than the ones that rush into the creation and do not really think things all the way through.
Blue Eyed Digital are a Warwick-based web design company, who can offer you help with web hosting, website design and social media questions.

Choosing a Web Designer That Will Compliment Your Business By James T Giddeon Ads by Google

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Your website is your company's primary sales tool in the online environment and it needs to inspire trust and professionalism as well as being pleasant for users. Achieving a professional and appropriate web presence is something that is likely only achieved by engaging a web developer. This typically means engaging a reputable design company to craft a web based solution that fits your specific needs. Before approaching potential designers, it is imperative that you clarify what it is you are seeking in a design.
Typically the first step is to establish your goals and expected outcomes. You would need to ask yourself what is the ultimate purpose of the site and what are your visitors seeking. All websites should be constructed from a user perspective and should be designed with their needs in mind.
The second step in determining your needs is to work out a rough budget for the development. Having a rough estimate on what you require and expect to spend can help with the negotiation process as well as to provide a filter by which you can gauge the various short listed companies. To create such a short list, it is often worthwhile searching Google for web designers in your local area, checking their reviews, and then contacting them for a customised quote.
The importance of references cannot be overstated when you are engaging a firm to handle your online presence. This is a critical component of your business and marketing plan and needs to be handled by a delicate professional. Most reputable development firms will be more than happy to refer you to past clients and contacting them may very well provide insight into how the web designers operate and communicate.
After the initial quote and contact it is important that you confirm the exact technical specifications lest an issue arise later that could potentially cost you money. A range of questions need to be addressed including, who is to provide the images and stock content, what long-term maintenance plans will be in place for the site if something goes wrong, is the software or CMS platform that is being used open-source or will you be required to make licensing payments. These issues should be clarified and included in any potential contract to avoid surprises later.
Finally, you have reached the point where you need to select an actual web design company from your short list. It is important to note at this point that price does not necessarily dictate quality in this arena. Often pricing can be a factor of how big the specific design agency is and what their overheads are. So do not disregard the small agencies or even independent operators. It is best to review samples of their portfolios and recent work. Every designer does things a little differently and although they may look fantastic the site may be a poor fit for your specific business. Also look for design companies that have experience in your niche and can design sites that are user driven and convert. Attempting to train a web designer on how your business and industry works can be a time consuming process and it is therefore advisable to find someone familiar with your niche.
In closing, it's important to have a clear idea of the exact specifications you seek when searching for a web design agency. The clear communication of a concept or idea will allow the chosen designers to provide a quote and conceptual design that closely matches your business needs. Ultimately, choosing a designer is not solely about choosing the prettiest template but finding someone who you can communicate effectively with.
For an exceptional web designer based in Auckland please visit Auckland Website Design

Mobile Website - Why Your Website SEO Efforts Will Never Add Any Mobile Customers To Your Business By Dennis Kimani

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Expert Author Dennis Kimani
Why Mobile Websites?
Mobile websites are increasingly being used today by businesses to leverage their online marketing efforts on mobile devices and grab a share of the mobile pie. Although there is huge revenue for mobile optimized websites, there are still a big number of business owners who are resistant to change. Let's look at the benefits of going mobile early enough.
Figures Don't Lie
Having a mobile website these days is paramount for businesses to get the most out of their internet marketing efforts to extract the "juice" on all angles. By this I mean establishing solid presence optimized for both the desktop and mobile web platforms. According to recent research by Quantcast, their figures show that there are four mobile devices to every computer globally and more cell phones are rapidly being acquired daily than PCs. Another study proved that approximately 60 percent of worldwide consumers primarily access the internet through their mobile devices. Additionally, out of the mobile users who get a negative/bad experience after visiting a site, 61 percent of them will never return to the site.
Why Mobile SEO Is So Significant
It's clear where the world is headed and mobile technology is surely leading the way. Almost all gadgets being produced these days are designed and structured to be used either through mobile devices or accommodate mobile technology for ease of use and convenience. How does this affect your web presence? Obviously, PC websites' SEO differ from mobile SEO especially for local searching. At the same time, users on mobile behave differently than users on PC websites. E.g. mobile users tend to want things right there and now, meaning they're mostly ready buyers.
Example: someone trying to search for pizza at 3am. Hence with such power, a mobile website can easily convert mobile prospects without much selling, provided you have the right information at the right time. For a PC website, due to the abundance of websites online among other factors, customers use their computers to search for in-depth product info, research and are likely to hop from site to site looking for better deals than on mobile.
In conclusion
Although some website owners may prefer responsive sites which change their form depending on the type of device used to access the web, having a separate mobile site that is structured specifically for mobile web yields better results because it is viewable across multiple devices including WAP and GPRS powered while responsive sites are best viewed on smart phones which account for 8 percent of all mobile devices bought globally. If we observe the top internet companies such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Adobe, Microsoft and so forth, they all have separate websites that are mobile optimized and specifically customized to give users a better mobile experience. In the end, any website owner may only choose to ignore the mobile revolution for their own perils because the status quo isn't going to change anytime soon.
Learn more about using a mobile website to get leverage on your marketing efforts because customers are generally mobile.
Dennis is a web development and marketing connoisseur with kin interest on mobile website development for SMBs. After working on the web developing desktop sites for many years, Dennis noted one day that he used to access his mobile internet more times than his personal computer which got him to research about mobile trends. He was able to confirm that the majority of other PC owners were increasingly doing the same. He decided to specialize on mobile website development on behalf of customers because he believes that its the future.

WordPress Website Design - Main Reasons Why It Is Considered As The Best By Abhinav S Sidana

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With the increasing competition, most of the business organizations are looking forward to take their businesses online. The basic requirement for going online is to have an attractive and appealing official website that provides all the information regarding the products and services offered by the company. In order to get this process done in an effective manner, it is preferable to get it done by a professional WordPress designer.
Most of the professional website designers operating in the market prefer to use WordPress. You can easily find various WordPress designers working professionally. There are various reasons because of which most of the web designers select a WordPress Website design. The various reasons which make this platform an ideal base for websites are further discussed in this article.
Easy Customization
WordPress offers an accurate and easily navigable content management system which aids in designing the website in an easy manner. It is due to its user-friendly features that professional designers feel ease and comfort in creating customized websites as per the needs of the customers. In addition to the comfort, it also provides access to thousands of online themes and custom plugins which can be used by the website owners for free. The websites created on WordPress web design are also compatible with almost all the web browsers allowing the individuals to access them in any part of the world.
Search Engine-Friendly
This web designing base is considered as the best if you are willing to achieve a top most position in the search engine ranking. The SEO objectives can be achieved easily if the website is created on WordPress platform. It also provides an opportunity to the individuals to create attractive web addresses which can easily be searched, install plug-ins and submit contents as and when desired.
Cost Effective
No matter you hire a WordPress professional or a WordPress freelancer, you can easily get a website designed within your budget. It is due to the fact that you are only required to pay for the registration fees and the fees of the WordPress designer. The themes and plug-ins are available free of cost. The website owners are also provided an opportunity to personalize their website using various themes and other features.
Search Engine Optimization
Using an effective content management and link management system, you can provide a search engine friendly look to your website. WordPress comprises of a simple programming language making it compatible with the search engines.
Easy to Use
The website owner as well as the visitors can easily use the website. There is no need for having programming or coding language. The owners can easily make changes in the website and customize it as per their desires.
The most important part of a website is its design and looks. WordPress website design can provide a fresh and appealing look to your website which can be changed by you from time to time using different themes. Considering WordPress for your website can prove to be an outstanding idea for getting a website designed in an attractive manner.
eMea offers the best WordPress website design services which can provide you an opportunity to attract more traffic towards your site. The customers can also customize the WordPress web design as per their requirements.

WordPress Web Design - Key Points To Consider While Selecting A Web Template By Abhinav S Sidana

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Going online is the best way of promoting a business and its products among the individuals. There are various WordPress designers who can provide you with ultimate web designing solutions. Most of the professional web designers make use of WordPress web design in order to create a website as per the needs and demands of the customers. It is due to the fact that WordPress offers a user-friendly interface and making a website with this website does not require having any programming knowledge. Hence, the individuals design a website themselves, if they have some understanding of using the various features for enhancing the looks of the website.
Website templates and themes play an important role in providing an outstanding look to your official website. WordPress provides access to a large number of templates and themes which can be considered by the WordPress designers. This will help you in saving your money as well as time. However, it is necessary that you select the right template for your website. Here are some key points which can be considered by you in order to select the right template.
No matter you are looking forward to create a website of one page or build a huge network, selecting the right theme is of utmost importance. There are various sites which offer free templates and you can select the one that suits your website and the products offered by you. Make sure, that the website does not look unprofessional and cluttered.
The layout of the website represents its outlook and structure. The WordPress freelancer should select a template which can be used without redesigning. Selecting a template that needs alterations might consume more time and hence prove to be impractical.
It is easy to customize the WordPress templates as per your requirements. The process can be done by changing the color, flash animation, logo, multimedia content and font. A good website is one which is user-friendly and you should always make alterations which are user-friendly and supported by the search engines.
Customer Support
While seeking the assistance of a professional of a WordPress designer, it is necessary to ensure that they provide round the clock customer support services. This will help you in getting rid of your issues related to unexpected problems in template installation or running the website. The operation executives should provide instant help via email, phone call and live chat.
Web templates are available at varied prices and you should always prefer to select the one provides a professional touch to your website. It should be able to grab the attention of visitors and attract numerous customers enhancing the traffic to a great extent. It should be compatible with different browsers and run effectively and smoothly.
Ready made templates not only save your time, efforts and money but also provide a professional look to your website at cost effective prices. So, make sure you select a web design template that suits your website requirements and is able to generate huge traffic.
eMea is an online WordPress designer which is catering individual needs of the customers from several years. Hiring this WordPress freelancercan provide you an opportunity to get a website designed in a unique manner.

Hiring Salesforce CRM Consultants to Enhance Customer Trust

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Expert Author Sheza Naeem
The reason businesses are so competitive today is the fact that everyone wants to please customers. There is a continuous string of techniques like reducing prices, increasing quantity and introducing new ranges for existing products. All of this is done by businesses so that they can build customer loyalty and trust. This is because customer loyalty is the only thing that can keep a business running during its downfalls. If, for example, a customer really is loyal to a business, he/she will keep buying the products even if the business is facing a loss and has to increase the prices temporarily. Having loyal customers is something every business needs, since it cannot possible succeed without them.
If you are trying to build customer trust, there are several ways you can use. You can improve the product's quality itself. Another approach you can go for is to improve direct contact with your customers. This, however, is not an easy task. Often, business managers find it extremely hard to create an efficient Customer Relationship Management system, particularly because of the enormity of the business and the number of tasks involved. This is where you can hire salesforce CRM consultants to do the job for you.
Salesforce CRM consultants are professionals who are experts in the area of managing customer relations. They are particularly efficient in making customers happy and in building customer trust. By hiring salesforce CRM consultants, you will have a professional working with your business and suggesting techniques to improve interaction with customers. If requested, a salesforce CRM consultant may also provide the company with a certain plan that can be followed in order to make sure that all the customers are properly dealt with.
There are several ways these professionals can help a business. They can, for example, improve the way customers are informed about the services of a business. They can teach customer representatives how to address the queries of customers in an efficient way. They can also ensure that a customer services officer would not be at a loss if asked about something unfamiliar. In general, these professionals can improve the way a business deals with its customers. They can also provide plans in order to hold direct conversations with customers. An efficient complaints' system may also be devised. All of these factors can, eventually, build customer trust for your business and lead it to success.
To find the best salesforce CRM consultant, visit us at Vantage Point CRM.

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